LASD Inmate Search

lasd inmate search

lsd inmate search is a free service that allows you to find details on prisoners lodged in Los Angeles County. You can use a lasd inmate search tool to look up an inmate’s personal and criminal records. You will need to enter some basic information about the person you are searching for to start your search. This includes their full name, DOC number and date of birth. The VINE program is a free, automated system that provides daily updates about an inmate’s status. You can register for this service by calling 1-877-VINE4-LA and following the prompts. You will also be given a four-digit personal identification number that you can use to stop the automated response from the VINE system at any time.

Your Guide to LASD Inmate Search: Step-by-Step Process

All searches should be conducted in a professional, respectful manner that preserves the dignity of all inmates. Searches should be thorough, with special attention to any crevices that may contain contraband. All items retrieved from searches must be documented, and any inmates found in possession of contraband should be disciplined. All clothing and bedding should be inspected for lumps, seams and other suspicious areas. During searches of housing areas, staff should pay particular attention to any inmates who are hoarding medication. This type of behavior should be referred to CHS for evaluation and treatment.

The jail is equipped with PCS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Global Tel*Link (GTL), that offers inmate telephone services. Inmates can deposit money in their phone accounts via a toll-free telephone number, by mail or in person. Deposits are made using a credit or debit card. The amount deposited is then available to the inmate for calling and other phone-related activities.

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